Tag Archives: sink



Falcon 9 (MAR 04 UTC) Crew-8
  • Psychological safety is the enemy of urgency, progress, orbital velocity.
  • Musk’s preferred buzzword is hardcore.
  • Discomfort is a good thing, a weapon against the scourge of complacency.
  • Vacations, work-life balance, days of mental rest, are not his thing. Let that sink in.

No other natural substance has such a complex aroma associated with so many contradictory descriptions; however, it is usually described abstractly as animalistic, earthy and woody or something akin to the odor of baby’s skin.



Prashanti Villa by Vastu Villa Studio

The Coffer Illusion by Anthony Norcia – Believe it or not, there are 12 circles in this image (and 12 is a hint that will help you see them).

I will understand if you quit looking for now, but if you decide to give up: click here.

Every time you let go of something limiting, you create space for something better.

Stephen C. Paul



Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired; But then begins a journey in my head, To work my mind, when body’s work’s expired.”

Shakespeare, in the opening of Sonnet 27