Tag Archives: shoe



But old Dim, as soon as he’d slooshied this dollop of song like a lomtick of redhot meat plonked on your plate, let off one of his vulgarities which in this case was a lip-trump followed by a dog-howl followed by two fingers pronging twice at the air followed by a clowny guffaw.

Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess


Too Late To Turn Away

Grim Reaper

Passion needs to be cultivated.

What is the best thing you can think of? Let your natural passion for existence extend to include that.

P.S. You are more likely to think of something better while you are doing something productive rather than while you are “just waiting”.

Rebirthing by Leonard & Laut


Lofty Lucidity
Tools to Tackle a Tire’s Thorn

Don’t worry about tomorrow; who knows what will befall you today?

Yiddish folk saying

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.

Isaac Asimov

You’re at that age when everything Mother Nature gave you, Father Time is taking away.

Milton Berle