
Game Multiplication Table


Gamultable is the multiplication-table game that will show where you stand in your ability to find the right answer. It is also the gateway to learning essential JavaScript.

When you peek under the cover with command-u (or option-command-u ), you’ll see some relatively simple programming code.

If playing this game for 2 & 1/2 minutes is too much of a stretch, try to remember that this is what you need to design & develop video games.

For beginners, note that the code below is almost as simple as it gets. It is an HTML page with eight lines of embedded JavaScript. It will run in any browser, Chrome, FireFox, Edge, Opera, Safari, whatever.

Explanation of the above code: The <div id=”myTable”> tag is empty until the end of <script> where theString gets inserted into myTable. Tags & data for the table rows & columns get appended to theString at every “+=“. The table data <td> is nothing more than the product of the two factors x and y, the column and row indexes respectively.

9×9 Matrix

But, the above code doesn’t give you that image exactly unless you add line 4:

which will give you this

so you also need to add line 11:

The whole file reads like this:

  1. Copy the source code, and use your text editor to paste it into a file.
  2. Save the file with a .html extension, and then open the file in your browser.
  3. The actual game has its own domain name: