Tag Archives: red



Redhead in Edinburgh, Morning (2012) by G.Garchar

Long ago, during the last age of reason, certain proud thinkers had claimed that valid knowledge was indestructible – that ideas were deathless and truth immortal.

But that was true only in the subtlest sense, and not superficially true at all.

There was objective meaning in the world, to be sure: the non-moral logos or design of the Creator; but such meanings were God’s and not Man’s, until they found an imperfect incarnation, a dark reflection, within the mind & speech & culture of a given human society, which might ascribe values to the meanings so that they became valid in a human sense within the culture.

A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959) by Walter Miller



Shroud Of Turin <- YouTube

In a dark sea of centuries wherein nothing seemed to flow, a lifetime was only a brief eddy, even for the man who lived it. There was a tedium of repeated days and repeated seasons; then there were aches and pains, and finally Extreme Unction.

And a moment of blackness at the end – or at the beginning, rather.

For then the small shivering soul who had endured the tedium, endured it badly or well, would find itself in a place of light, find itself absorbed in the burning gaze of infinitely compassionate eyes as it stood before the Just One. It would be hard to believe differently.

A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959) by Walter Miller


Eventual Fate

You know nothing of future time,” pronounced Deep Thought, “and yet in my teeming circuitry I can navigate the infinite delta streams of future probability and see that there must one day come a computer whose merest operational parameters I am not worthy to calculate, but which it will be my fate eventually to design.”

Fook was losing patience. He pushed his notebook aside and muttered, “I think this is getting needlessly messianic.”



Terra Bella at Harmil

End-of-Summer Colors

Not darkness, for that implies an understanding of light. Not silence, for that suggests a familiarity with sound. Not loneliness, for that requires knowledge of others. But still, faintly, so tenuous that if it were any less it wouldn’t exist at all: awareness.

WWW:WAKE by Robert Sawyer


Too Late To Turn Away

Grim Reaper

Passion needs to be cultivated.

What is the best thing you can think of? Let your natural passion for existence extend to include that.

P.S. You are more likely to think of something better while you are doing something productive rather than while you are “just waiting”.

Rebirthing by Leonard & Laut


Up & Over the Sidewalk by GGarchar (2022)
Upon the Solid Sand

A man walks upright. For him it is strenuous to climb a steep hill, because he has to keep pushing his own vertical mass upward and cannot gain any momentum.

The rabbit is better off. His forelegs support his horizontal body and the great back legs do the work. They are more than equal to thrusting uphill the light mass in front of them.

Rabbits can go fast uphill. In fact, they have so much power behind that they find going downhill awkward, and sometimes, in flight down a steep place, they may actually go head over heels.

WATERSHIP DOWN (1972) by Richard George Adams


Donkeys on Shore

A descendant of the wild ass, the donkey is a domestic member of the horse family used for hauling goods since 4000 BC.

Donkeys are also related to zebras, although they’re often stockier, stronger and have much different personalities.

Female donkeys are called “jennies” or “jennets,” and a female ready to breed is known as a “broodmare.”

Ass is interchangeable with donkey, and “jackass” refers specifically to a male donkey. But a jackass is not a mule, and all burros are not jackasses.