Tag Archives: rain


Under the Weather

Imagine the horror with which darkness, rain, and wind, fill persons who have lost their way in the night; and who, consequently, have not the pleasant prospect of warm fires, dry cloaths, and other refreshments, to support their minds in struggling with the inclemencies of the weather.

Tom Jones by Henry Fielding


Finally, got our Wish!

We’re going,” he said excitedly, and shivered with energy.

“Where? How?” said Arthur.

“I don’t know,” said Ford, “but I just feel that the time is right.
Things are going to happen. We’re on our way.”

He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I have detected,” he said, “disturbances in the wash.”

LIFE, THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING, Chapter 2 – by Douglas Adams

Modern Color Wheel