To seriously enhance the thinking process, all you need to do is a little bit of exercise. Brain will get more blood flow, and better, more fruitful, ideas.
I think that the BBC’s attitude toward the show while it was in production was very similar to that which Macbeth had toward murdering people:
and still no end in sight.
Douglas Adams about the creation of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Oliver Burkeman provides an important and insightful reassessment of productivity. The drive to get more done can become an excuse to avoid figuring out what we actually want to accomplish. By confronting this question, we unlock a more meaningful approach to organizing our time.
Cal Newport
What do we mean by beauty? Why pursue beauty? Where is beauty found? How does one practice the virtue of beauty?
Truth, beauty, goodness, unity, love, life, and spirit are #transcendental values.
It is well known Zeus would sometimes come down from Olympus and walk incognito amongst mortals. Eventually he would be recognized and people would cry out “Hey! Zeus!” …
and He replied “gesundheit” to the faithful.
All you need in order to do yoga is a mat and bare feet, and knowledge of the 5 basic poses: Horse, Cat, Cow, Tadpole, and Cobra. All the rest follow naturally from there.
You’ll learn that good pain, as opposed to bad pain, is the body’s signal that circulation is improving and muscle cells are being recognized.
Tansitional movements from one pose to the next:
Venture capitalists expect some of businesses they back to fail; if that never happens, they aren’t taking enough risks. Similarly, a government program aimed at advancing technology is bound to end up with some lemons; if it doesn’t, it’s not extending the frontier.
Paul Krugman
Reflect on the spirit embodied by monks at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. Their daily work period is for 3 hours until 12:40 PM. Asked of one monk what he does when the bell rings but he feels that his work is undone, he replied, “You get over it.”
Four Hours by Oliver Burkeman\