Category Archives: Artist



Do a search for grapes & pear and see if you can find any other image that even comes close to the artistic composition of this one picture.

BTW, this isn’t my work. Wish it was. Hope to find the name of the artist who did this.


When asked how to pronounce her name, she replied “ya nuk”.

My comments are in the post; click the title to see the post.


Spinning to Sagittarius (click image; animated gif) – Jeff G. Wise – Sculpture Site


From the Event Horizon Telescope

Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, was identified nearly 50 years ago and is among the most studied astrophysical objects.

The results released this month are the culmination of a multi-year effort and a decades-long journey by the astronomy community to approach the event horizon through high-resolution imaging, gaining new insights into accretion, outflow, and gravitational physics on scales not accessible through any other observation.

gravity, light, consciousness – the three primitives”

Something M read in an old New Yorker



Constant A. Nieuwenhuys (1920-2005)

I, myself, have killed 6 people. All random, no way to trace them to me. Let me tell you, there’s nothin’ like it. It’s a great feeling. Yeah, I know, you’re thinking, Aw, he’s a comedian. He’s just sayin’ that stuff. Good. That’s exactly what I want you to think.

George Carlin

There are three things which are real: God, human folly, and laughter. Since the first two pass our comprehension, we must do what we can with the third.

Aubrey Menen



Rodeo Bronco

The gaskin is the part of the horse between the stifle and the hock.

So, now you know.

Update April 16, 2023: Things are looking up because the Lidocaine Patch relieved my back muscle pain from the bicycle accident of April 3rd , 2023, enough to allow me to finally get a good night’s sleep.

And life is beautiful, because nature can be beautiful no matter the fearsome forces at play.



Too Much Coffee Man

My favorite cure for boredom is sleep. It’s very easy to get to sleep when bored and very hard to get bored after a long rest.

My next favorite is coffee. I usually keep a pot plugged in while working on the machine.

If these don’t work it may mean deeper Quality problems are bothering you and distracting you from what’s before you. The boredom is a signal that you should turn your attention to these problems.

Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) by Robert Pirsig