You’ll find that most paintings of players playing chess have a cat somewhere in the scene. This one has a wooden lion and a spider.
The <div> tag is empty until the end of <script> where theString gets inserted into myTable. Tags & data for the table rows & columns get appended to theString at every “+=”. The table data <td> is nothing more than the product of the two factors x and y, the column and row indexes respectively.
How do you express your unique personality characteristics? Who do you express them to? Use your skills & talents by doing what you enjoy to create a perfect world for someone.
No one wants to explore the darkest recesses of the soul without bringing along a light. Allow self-improvement to occur at the deepest levels by aligning the entirety of your being with your purpose, facilitated by operating in a context of lightness.
Rebirthing by Leonard & Laut
Motivation goes hand-in-hand with discipline. The pain of procrastination must be thought of as “good pain”, signaling time to act out on that strong resolution.
Listen to preachers, listen to fools; watch them make their own rules. One is conditioned to rule & control. Media sells. You live the role.
Black Sabbath
Chess skills are most helpful when you are playing chess. However, when you climb & jump on rocks, your entire brain & body are put to work.
The board & pieces are all the material, but the METAGAME dynamic is certainly a factor in competition. The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig is about losing the battle to a weaker player who uses a novel psychology.
That’s me at the board, on the right, maybe 20 years ago.
A: Ah, when creation shows so much beauty, how radiant must be the source!
V: How can anyone today study to become a minister!
A: Your rationalism is as dry as dust.
V: I say that modern man believes in only himself and his biological death.
A: Modern man is a figment of your imagination. Man regards death with horror.
V: Religion for the people. Opium for the aching limb.
Seven older gentlemen of various political persuasions gather in the courtyard under the squawking birds to politely discuss and examine, in regulated heartbeat, the current issues and events of the week.
They also like to talk about their high-school classmates, both living & dead, unknown to others outside of Los Gatos. It’s an exclusive club.