Tag Archives: space


Korea Aerospace Research Institute of South Korea is exploring the moon with Danuri.

This Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter is tasked with surveying lunar resources such as water ice, uranium, helium-3, silicon, and aluminium, and will produce a topographic map to help select future lunar landing sites.

Ballistic Lunar Transfer

The mission is scheduled to be launched today, 4 August 2022, on a Falcon 9 launch vehicle.

rocketlaunch.live <- look for video from 2022


Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!

This is the kind of nonsense that sparks the neurons of cosmic comicsness, by Tim Richard.

B: Home base to team leader, is the Fox in the Cage? Over!
C: Negative! The Chickens are in Lockdown and the Alert Level is Green!
B: Send Scorpion Two and Yodeling Moose to Deliver the Package!
C: Affirmative! Operation Stale Cookie is under way. The Banjo Lessons are en route!
B: Copy that! Have Nauseous Squirrel check the Bed for Spiders! Over!
C: Painting the Mule red now! Over!
B: Be sure to leave room for Dessert! Copy that?
C: Roger! Will they Apply Ointment to the Affected Area?
B: Negative! First we need to Shampoo the Monkey! Over!

A: You and Cliff have a really strange code.
B: Code?

For more of the same type of storylines, check out The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.