Tag Archives: map


Calvary Temple
First Street Parking Garage – Rooftop

There’s no way that a map can predict all pitfalls & problems or all pleasant surprises. A map is a metaphor that can point to but not capture the actual journey itself. A map is seen through; the journey is lived through.

Guidebook to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
* direction of above photos


Lightning Strike 2021

Which famous son* of a famous father preferred to spend the night of his old man’s celebrations brawling in a bar five hundred yards from the party, rather than hobnobbing with his family? Our spies tell us a punch was thrown, and his faithful assistant was unable to Hold It Back. A father-son competition for publicity? Dad definitely won this round.

As Hold It Back was the name of one of Jonny Rokeby‘s albums, nobody could really be in much doubt which father and son were in question.

*Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith



Santana Row <~ Willow Glen

Route to Row

This map shows the bicycle ride we had planned to take last year.

My biking buddy and I were stretching the concept of aging. We were trusting our instincts to keep us out of cars’ way, and pushing forward in terms of distance, testing our survival chances one way and another.

Assume the Best; Prepare for Worst

To a biker the sensation is real and pure and akin to something spiritual: you seek, and on the road you find.”

Thanks to Caroline Knapp



What does it mean?

Found this diagram in some library book.

Re: “termite castle” culture – Swarms of termites build castle-like structures without supervision or a centralized plan. Working independently without communication or a leader, they proceed using environmental cues.

Map -16.47, 144.89

Back in 2012, as we drove south on the Mulligan Hwy in Australia and got down on the valley floor, we must have passed thousands of little termite castles.

Unfortunately, my environmental cues were not strong enough to make me stop the car and take a picture of any of those many interesting insect homes. Not one closeup photo; sad.

Mulligan Highway
Everlasting Impressions of Australia
16 photos · 11 views


Not A Park

Banana Public

Like any #explorer we must first plan our route. Then marshal resources, discarding any excess. Once under way, maintain a sharp tactical eye, never back away unless certain. Remain alert for dangers, aware of changes in environment. Energize with new confidence and inspiration.

How Life Imitates Chess by Garry Kasparov


You and I have memories
Longer than the road
That stretches out ahead”

Two of Us by The Beatles, Let It Be (1970)

And 385 million years from now the world will be vastly different again as well, while the universe, during the same time period, will have changed insignificantly (in comparison to its totality, of course).

The point is: you don’t have to move all that far from where you are now to experience expanded consciousness. Merely step outside. Go to the beach if possible.


Stephen Crowley/The New York Times (January 2017)

Judy Woodruff: There are a lot of Democrats who are changing their registration.

Tamara Keith: There are not enough Democrats in Wyoming to help her win. That said, she has the Cheney name and is unlikely to disappear from the political scene, certainly.

Amy Walter: And a lot of Democrats nationally are writing checks to her. She has a very big bank account right now. She’s not going to spend it all down even in this primary. You can’t spend that much money in Wyoming.

Voters are pissimistic about the economy and think that Biden and Democrats aren’t doing a good job and believe Republicans would do better. That’s what you make the campaign about.

The more the campaign is about Donald Trump, January 6, abortion, the better it is for Democrats. It becomes really a choice election, instead of a referendum.

And even if it is a referendum between Biden and Trump, that’s probably pretty good for Democrats, not very good for Republicans.

PBS Newshour