Tag Archives: green


GAMULTABLE.com is finished for now.

Next step is explaining the code to those who are interested in stack-based webdesign, i.e., HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is all native code; no external libraries or frameworks.

Runs in your browser!

Update May 1st, 2023: Doctor says: The MRI has been read. There are some changes that are not very specific and they recommended an MRI with contrast to evaluate better (on Thursday). The good news is that it wasn’t a stroke and the bad is that if the infusions over the next several days don’t reduce the inflammation (caused by Covid) then it is because the cancer has reached my brain.

What to do now, to have done by then?


Tree Trunk

Don’t strut too tall!

Update April 28, 2023: The real tragedy is having had to make a decision in the first place.

Update April 28, 2024: The ultimate tragedy is having made the wrong decision through limited thinking: selfishness. Regret.



Heard of terahertz waves?

Between the beams of visible light and the blips of radio static, there lies a dead zone where our technology isn’t effective. It’s called the terahertz gap. For decades now, no one’s succeeded in building a consumer device that can transmit terahertz waves.




Facial Features Somewhere over Alaska

Candide, amazed at all he had suffered and still more with the charity of the old woman, wished to kiss her hand.


Almaden Quicksilver

Guadalupe Landfill, Dumptruck on the Horizon

When I’m lost at sea, I hear your voice, and it carries me.

Heaven Is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle