Where it went:
Where it went:
Change the clock twice a year, OR ELSE, some institutions will need to adjust their operating hours.
Going back to permanent Standard Hours has been tried before, and failed after two years.
What is the issue about the light & night that we keep forgetting?
This image was once used to illustrate the subject areas for our WordPress-Cupertino Meetup group. Its many Layers of Complexity, before full-site editing (FSE), was introduced in version 5.
Now, knowledge of such complexity need not bother the minds of today. Intelligence has been made artificial.
Mitochondria supply the energy in the cell.
Heart muscle cells have the most mitochondria, thousands per cell.
High-intensity interval training in aerobic exercises such as biking and walking cause cells to make more proteins for their energy-producing mitochondria, effectively stopping aging at the cellular level.
What would happen if all the mitochondria in your body released all their energy at once?
The WordPress Cupertino Meetup is still going strong (not true – barely limping by) and what you see above illustrates the user interface for website developers starting to use the new block-based page editor, now integrated into core.
Few of you might find this interesting.
The tiny portrait is of Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WordPress.
Fruit & Mushrooms – Own Rewards
“Tell me, Master, what is the best move in the world?”
There simply is no such thing as the best or even a good move apart from a particular situation in a game and the particular personality of one’s opponent.
The same holds for human existence. One should not search for an abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment.
Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.
Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl
Mental activity in the pink matter (wet) comes up with an idea that drives the hand that picks up the pencil & paper (dry) and writes the idea down. From there it gets uploaded across the firewall into (air) cyberspace.
Daniel Kahneman refers to Fast and Slow thinking as System One and System Two, respectively. System One defines the effortless, intuitive part of our thinking while System Two explains the kind of concentration that involves effort.
The time & energy required to train your mind to STOP thinking is even greater. That higher level of control over your thoughts is achieved through the practice of meditation.