Hot Hinges

While out bicycle riding today (in record heat, by the way) this vehicle stood out as an exceptional example of detailed design.
Is it worth while in any individual case to look for the meaning of a dream, supposing that dreams have any meaning at all and that this meaning can be proved?
The psyche is the most baffling phenomenon with which the scientific mind has ever had to deal. Although we must assume that all psychic phenomena are somehow, in the broadest sense, causally dependent, remember that causality is no more than a statistical truth.
Carl G. Jung
“Then came the Autumne all in yellow clad …“
“Then came October full of merry glee …”
The Faerie Queene (1590) by Edmund Spenser
Suffer no exceptions to the program, and maintain momentum. It’s critical to know what motivates, how to push that extra mile.
Stick to a regimen. To stay engaged, new challenges are needed. Repetition or comfort means it’s time to find a new target for one’s energy.
Garry Kasparov
Whom do we credit for this welcoming sidewalk? Who is the architect of this street-wise aesthetic?