Tag Archives: bike


Inyo National Forest

Resting at the Pass to Papoose Flat – 9/16/2016
I finally made it on motorcycle (but almost didn’t escape)

more to be here posted soon – Desert Adventure as a Slide Show

Eastern Sierra in the far distance. Back in 2007, M & I hiked all day in the scorching heat trying to reach Papoose Flat, where those little sharp peaks are in the distance (left of center). Had to turn around because the sun was beginning to set. Made it back to the car just in time before our water ran out.



Pit Stop at Starbucks

On his way from Nevada to the Raceway at Laguna Seca in California.

The wheel is driven or forced by means of its engine or motor. The energy is not in the wheel which is passive to this driving agent. So it is with every manifestation of energy; and with every human motivation – it has its human impulse or impelling motive to impart motion.

THE WORD – A PHILOSOPHY (1958) by Edna Sarah Beardsley (re: power)

“In the face of the danger which confronts our time, no individual retains, or can hope to retain, the right of personal choice which free men enjoy in times of peace.” –FDR (1940)

NOTHING TO FEAR by Alan Axelrod (2003)



What if you got this wish: to re-live the good years of your life all over again. Would that make you a better person?

This is Fun

Maybe not, because where are the lessons then?

[At least TRY to remain upright!]


Atlantic -> Pacific

These two bicycled from one side of the USA to the other, just like this! Such a healthy duo!

Update 2024: I’m feeling fine. Getting energy back. Speech is still affected, but can at least communicate. Hoping focus on exercise and caloric restriction proves effective.

Update 2023: Doctor asks for me to take a look at the MRI. It is stable from before, not worse or better. The good thing is there is no contrast enhancement to suggest an ongoing active infection. Since steroids have not helped symptoms, think it is best to do another spinal tap (lumbar puncture) just to make sure there is no inflammatory process.


Troubled Bridge

Update April 26, 2023: still waiting for results of yesterday’s MRI. It only says:


MRN: 110011593779
This document contains confidential information about your health and care at Kaiser Permanente.

Visit Information

Appointment Information

And the doctor says: I just checked again and the MRI still has not been read. I will continue to keep an eye for it.



Saturday Morning Santa Cruz

Made it there just in time to see everyone take off without me.

But, I’ve my own group: Electric Future

Note: The above movie runs fine in Chrome, a bit problematic in Safari, and for some reason in FireFox only the video shows up, without the audio/sound. On my iPad it does not run at all!

P.S. It’s a good thing I didn’t go. While riding along a dirt backroad, ignoring signs, the group had an irate landowner pull a gun on them – a situation that tied up the excursion for hours and got the police involved.