Tag Archives: bike


The Return of John Kiltman

A colorful character in downtown Campbell, we’ve seen him previously on July 10. Notice he’s got a dandelion in his hat, mismatched shoes, and no tires on the rims of his bicycle. Here he’s regaling my friend with entertaining tales of his encounters with police.

BTW, the scratch visible on the inside of his left leg is one of many on his skin that looks to be getting infected. Hope his immune system is as strong as his personality.

No Accounting for Taste in Entertainment


September Paw Paw, the largest edible fruit indigenous to the United States.
and Bolts

Spend some time in your mind. Sit down, close eyes, palms upward on knees. What an empty cavern! Fill it with the #realization that without your mind, you would be just another sack of shit. Then #think of something else.

2 + 2 = 5 always gets me


Not A Park

Banana Public

Like any #explorer we must first plan our route. Then marshal resources, discarding any excess. Once under way, maintain a sharp tactical eye, never back away unless certain. Remain alert for dangers, aware of changes in environment. Energize with new confidence and inspiration.

How Life Imitates Chess by Garry Kasparov


Resting at the Pass to Papoose Flat – 9/16/2016
I finally made it on motorcycle (but almost didn’t escape)

more to be here posted soon – Desert Adventure as a Slide Show

Eastern Sierra in the far distance. Back in 2007, M & I hiked all day in the scorching heat trying to reach Papoose Flat, where those little sharp peaks are in the distance (left of center). Had to turn around because the sun was beginning to set. Made it back to the car just in time before our water ran out.