
How Gamultable is pieced together.

Update May 2, 2023: This domain will be up for grabs soon, and its server files will self destruct 11/28/2024. I’m not afraid of death because I’ll be proceeding the people I most admire, relatively soon.(Think about that, Ha, Ha!) P.S.: I’m currently taking infusions to fix my brain (more ha, ha!)

this hidden file reveals how the database is accessed. written in PHP (not JavaScipt), it resides invisibly on the server.

Update May 3, 2023: Last of 3 infusions made no difference. Another MRI tomorrow, this time with contrast. MY guess is that it will show what? Envisioning Stephen Hawking.

29-Gres is finished for now.

Next step is explaining the code to those who are interested in stack-based webdesign, i.e., HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is all native code; no external libraries or frameworks.

Runs in your browser!

Update May 1st, 2023: Doctor says: The MRI has been read. There are some changes that are not very specific and they recommended an MRI with contrast to evaluate better (on Thursday). The good news is that it wasn’t a stroke and the bad is that if the infusions over the next several days don’t reduce the inflammation (caused by Covid) then it is because the cancer has reached my brain.

What to do now, to have done by then?


Tree Trunk

Don’t strut too tall!

Update April 28, 2023: The real tragedy is having had to make a decision in the first place.

Update April 28, 2024: The ultimate tragedy is having made the wrong decision through limited thinking: selfishness. Regret.


Troubled Bridge

Update April 26, 2023: still waiting for results of yesterday’s MRI. It only says:


MRN: 110011593779
This document contains confidential information about your health and care at Kaiser Permanente.

Visit Information

Appointment Information

And the doctor says: I just checked again and the MRI still has not been read. I will continue to keep an eye for it.


Far Out

Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster (February 2018)
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide
    to the Galaxy – 1979
  • The Restaurant
    at the End of the Universe – 1980
  • Life, the Universe
    and Everything – 1982
  • So Long, and Thanks
    for All the Fish – 1984
  • Mostly Harmless – 1992

The Hitchhiker series by Douglas Adams follows the adventures of the last surviving man, Arthur Dent, after the demolition of the Earth by a Vogon constructor fleet to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

Arthur Dent is rescued from destruction on Earth by escaping, ironically, on a passing Vogon spacecraft with Ford Prefect, a human-like alien writer for the namesake electronic travel guide.

He explores the galaxy with Prefect and eventually encounters another human, Trillian, a beautiful woman who had also escaped Earth in the nick of time.

Other characters include the two-headed President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox, and a depressed and paranoid android robot, Marvin.


Update April 22, 2023: Back to Bizarro Land, again. I had been told to exercise (not walk in dark until I dropped); more precisely: do yoga. continue



View of rocket launched from Vandenberg, 200 miles away – Thanks M

From our front porch this morning, we could even see the 1st stage booster separating from the 2nd stage and its return for landing on earth. The only things missed were the roaring sound of the nine thruster engines, and a 4-hour drive from Central California back home to Northern California.



Rodeo Bronco

The gaskin is the part of the horse between the stifle and the hock.

So, now you know.

Update April 16, 2023: Things are looking up because the Lidocaine Patch relieved my back muscle pain from the bicycle accident of April 3rd , 2023, enough to allow me to finally get a good night’s sleep.

And life is beautiful, because nature can be beautiful no matter the fearsome forces at play.



Singularity: The expected moment in history when the amplification of human intelligence begins to accelerate exponentially by the application of advanced technologies to augment the brain. –Raymond Kurzweil

All is lightness & bright;
While the forces of nature
Show us the height
Of the Universe’s favor.

fortnight = 14 days; stone = 14 pounds