Hard hats and wet boots make for safe work on a weekday morning.
One character announces, “We’ll probably have to work all night on this presentation.” Another character replies, “That’s brilliant! Use inefficiency to make procrastination look like martyrdom!”
Re: “termite castle” culture – Swarms of termites build castle-like structures without supervision or a centralized plan. Working independently without communication or a leader, they proceed using environmental cues.
Back in 2012, as we drove south on the Mulligan Hwy in Australia and got down on the valley floor, we must have passed thousands of little termite castles.
Unfortunately, my environmental cues were not strong enough to make me stop the car and take a picture of any of those many interesting insect homes. Not one closeup photo; sad.
Mulligan Highway Everlasting Impressions of Australia 16 photos · 11 views
Walk a fine line between flexibility and consistency. A strategist must have faith in his strategy and the courage to follow it through and still be open-minded enough to realize when a change of course is required.
Humanhood stands somewhat aghast before #soul; stands awe-inspired in fear and reverence, while it communicates with #conscience as being very near. It understands conscience who is soul’s agent or moral representative.
Not darkness, for that implies an understanding of light. Not silence, for that suggests a familiarity with sound. Not loneliness, for that requires knowledge of others. But still, faintly, so tenuous that if it were any less it wouldn’t exist at all: awareness.
Walk a fine line between flexibility & consistency. A strategist must have faith in his strategy and the courage to follow it through and still be open-minded enough to realize when a change of course is required.