It is well known Zeus would sometimes come down from Olympus and walk incognito amongst mortals. Eventually he would be recognized and people would cry out “Hey! Zeus!” …
and He replied “gesundheit” to the faithful.
It is well known Zeus would sometimes come down from Olympus and walk incognito amongst mortals. Eventually he would be recognized and people would cry out “Hey! Zeus!” …
and He replied “gesundheit” to the faithful.
There’s no way that a map can predict all pitfalls & problems or all pleasant surprises. A map is a metaphor that can point to but not capture the actual journey itself. A map is seen through; the journey is lived through.
Guidebook to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
All you need in order to do yoga is a mat and bare feet, and knowledge of the 5 basic poses: Horse, Cat, Cow, Tadpole, and Cobra. All the rest follow naturally from there.
You’ll learn that good pain, as opposed to bad pain, is the body’s signal that circulation is improving and muscle cells are being recognized.
Tansitional movements from one pose to the next:
He turned to Stephen and said:
—Seriously, Dedalus. I’m stony. Hurry out to your school kip and bring us back some money.
—That reminds me, Haines said, rising, that I have to visit your national library today.
—Our swim first, Buck Mulligan said.”
Ulysses by James Joyce
Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works. Enjoy life with the wife you love, all the days of the vain life granted you under the sun. This is your lot in life for the toil of your labors under the sun.
Anything you can turn your hand to, do with what power you have; for there will be no work, no planning, no knowledge, no wisdom in Sheol where you are going.
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
-2y + 14 = -x
-2y + x = -14
-2y = -14 – x
-2y = -x – 14
-7 – x/2 = -y
-7 + y = x/2
-7 = -y + x/2
-7 = x/2 – y
-14 – x = -2y
-14 + 2y = x
-14 = -2y + x
-14 = x – 2y
-x – 14 = -2y
-x + 2y = 14
-x = -2y + 14
-x = 14 – 2y
-x/2 – 7 = -y
-x/2 + y = 7
-x/2 = -y + 7
-x/2 = 7 – y
-y + 7 = -x/2
-y + x/2 = -7
-y = -7 -x/2
-y = -x/2 – 7
2y – 14 = x
2y – x = 14
2y = 14 + x
2y = x + 14
7 – y = -x/2
7 + x/2 = y
7 = -x/2 + y
7 = y – x/2
14 – 2y = -x
14 + x = 2y
14 = -x + 2y
14 = 2y – x
x – 2y = -14
x + 14 = 2y
x = -14 + 2y
x = 2y – 14
x/2 – y = -7
x/2 + 7 = y
x/2 = -7 + y
x/2 = y – 7
y – 7 = x/2
y – x/2 = 7
y = 7 + x/2
y = x/2 + 7
same equation sorted alphabetically (ANSI)
Brain can not only ponder the very stars that gave it birth but can also think about its own ability to think and wonder about its own ability to wonder.
V.S. Ramachandran
Mind is seen as inhering in the structure of myth, institutions & cultures. Culture consists of the sharing of mythic patterns. Culture is then mind writ large which shapes us unawares unless we develop the understanding to shape culture.
Charles Hampden-Turner