Category Archives: Wheels


Shaken, but not Stirred

After he got up I asked how he was feeling. “Terrible,” he said, “hurt my wrist.” Then he ran up to the car which had pulled aside a few feet ahead on Curtner.

I was ambivalent about getting more involved because although the driver was at fault, it was the bicyclist who ran into the car.


September Paw Paw, the largest edible fruit indigenous to the United States.
and Bolts

Spend some time in your mind. Sit down, close eyes, palms upward on knees. What an empty cavern! Fill it with the #realization that without your mind, you would be just another sack of shit. Then #think of something else.

2 + 2 = 5 always gets me


Hay Trolley

The cast iron Myers Cloverleaf Unloader with free-swinging fork pulley for drawing hay over a double-steel-track high beam or into a well-filled mow.


Resting at the Pass to Papoose Flat – 9/16/2016
I finally made it on motorcycle (but almost didn’t escape)

more to be here posted soon – Desert Adventure as a Slide Show

Eastern Sierra in the far distance. Back in 2007, M & I hiked all day in the scorching heat trying to reach Papoose Flat, where those little sharp peaks are in the distance (left of center). Had to turn around because the sun was beginning to set. Made it back to the car just in time before our water ran out.


Pit Stop at Starbucks

On his way from Nevada to the Raceway at Laguna Seca in California.

The wheel is driven or forced by means of its engine or motor. The energy is not in the wheel which is passive to this driving agent. So it is with every manifestation of energy; and with every human motivation – it has its human impulse or impelling motive to impart motion.

THE WORD – A PHILOSOPHY (1958) by Edna Sarah Beardsley (re: power)

“In the face of the danger which confronts our time, no individual retains, or can hope to retain, the right of personal choice which free men enjoy in times of peace.” -FDR (1940)

NOTHING TO FEAR by Alan Axelrod (2003)


Lofty Lucidity
Tools to Tackle a Tire’s Thorn

Don’t worry about tomorrow; who knows what will befall you today?

Yiddish folk saying

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.

Isaac Asimov

You’re at that age when everything Mother Nature gave you, Father Time is taking away.

Milton Berle