Category Archives: Strategy


Franquette St

Repaving commences today!

Start your day at 4:00 AM. You’re up any way, why do you to need to stay in bed? Sit up and meditate. Say the word “thought” over an over again trying to visualize what it looks like. If that makes you sleepy, go back to bed.



A man walks upright.

For him it is strenuous to climb a steep hill, because he has to keep pushing his own vertical mass upward and cannot gain any momentum.

The rabbit is better off. His forelegs support his horizontal body and the great back legs do the work. They are more than equal to thrusting uphill the light mass in front of them. Rabbits can go fast uphill. In fact, they have so much power behind that they find going downhill awkward, and sometimes, in flight down a steep place, they may actually go head over heels.

On the other hand, the man is five or six feet above the hillside and can see all round. To him the ground may be steep and rough but on the whole it is even, and he can pick his direction easily from the top of his moving, six-foot tower.

Watership Down (1972) by Richard Adams



  • Never sleep when you can float
  • Never float when you can sit
  • Never sit when you can stand
  • Never stand when you can walk
  • Never walk when you can run
  • Never run when you can fly

Wink instead of nodding. Nod instead of whispering. Whisper instead of speaking. Speak instead of writing. Write instead of brain exploding.



Falcon 9 (MAR 04 UTC) Crew-8
  • Psychological safety is the enemy of urgency, progress, orbital velocity.
  • Musk’s preferred buzzword is hardcore.
  • Discomfort is a good thing, a weapon against the scourge of complacency.
  • Vacations, work-life balance, days of mental rest, are not his thing. Let that sink in.

No other natural substance has such a complex aroma associated with so many contradictory descriptions; however, it is usually described abstractly as animalistic, earthy and woody or something akin to the odor of baby’s skin.


Categorical Imperative

Mandelbrot Set

Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!

Imagine first that the present is past, and second, that the past may yet be changed & amended.

Logotherapy by Victor Frankl


Sweet & Sharp


Opposite elements working in harmony enable perfect decision making: Calculation & evaluation, patience & opportunism, intuition & analysis, style & objectivity, management & vision, strategy & tactics, planning & reaction. Balance these forces and avoid the comfort zone. ~G.Kasparov



My Tasks ToDo tracking list has 28 items. Starting at the top row, it’s nice to know, without having to decide, what’s to be worked on next.

Monet’s Garden

All 28 tasks in the sequence can be done in one day, but completing the entire list, even at nine minutes per item, would be 252 minutes, or 4.2 hours out of the 16 available to me.



Agenda for Your Life

  • In your teens, play all you can.
  • In your 20s, take all the risks you can.
  • 30s, learn all you can.
  • 40s, earn all you can.
  • 50s, lead all you can.
  • 60s, leave with all the style you can.
  • Thereafter, or in the hereafter, enjoy all you can.
