Category Archives: Strategy


My Tasks ToDo tracking list has 28 items. Starting at the top row, it’s nice to know, without having to decide, what’s to be worked on next.

Monet’s Garden

All 28 tasks in the sequence can be done in one day, but completing the entire list, even at nine minutes per item, would be 252 minutes, or 4.2 hours out of the 16 available to me.



Anatoly Karpov vs Viktor Korchnoi (1974)
Yugoslav Attack vs Sicilian Dragon Defense

Chess skills are most helpful when you are playing chess. However, when you climb & jump on rocks, your entire brain & body are put to work.

The board & pieces are all the material, but the METAGAME dynamic is certainly a factor in competition. The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig is about losing the battle to a weaker player who uses a novel psychology.

Feline Inscrutability vs Dogged Tenacity.


Agenda for the Seasons of Your Life

  • In your teens, play all you can.
  • In your 20s, take all the risks you can.
  • 30s, learn all you can.
  • 40s, earn all you can.
  • 50s, lead all you can.
  • 60s, leave with all the style you can.
  • Thereafter, or in the hereafter, enjoy all you can.



Forge your own path, trust in the magic of individuality.

Though the methods vary, the mission is the same: to realize that we are all of us temporary & fragile beings.

Shot here from who knows where, bound for who can tell, we can love ourselves and each other while we’re here.

Elizabeth Berg


2×2 Matrix

In a simple tit-for-tat strategy, one begins by cooperating and then mimics the other player’s moves. Tit-for-tat is nice in that it is willing to cooperate and it does not bear a grudge. It also cannot be exploited because any defection from cooperation will be returned.

By Robert Schenk @ Re: TitForTat

See also truth bias


After the Battle

The oficer standing in the center of this group of Union soldiers after the battle of Antietam is Lt. Alonzo Cushing, who died less than a year after this group portrait while fighting in Gettysburg during Pickett’s Charge. Sitting at left is Evan Thomas, who was killed in ambush by the Modoc Indians a decade later in California.


Research/scan compliments of Dr Chuck Hillman, University of Illinois

To seriously enhance the thinking process, all you need to do is a little bit of exercise. Brain will get more blood flow, and better, more fruitful, ideas.