Category Archives: Script


Names of Poses

All you need in order to do yoga is a mat and bare feet, and knowledge of the 5 basic poses: Horse, Cat, Cow, Tadpole, and Cobra. All the rest follow naturally from there.

You’ll learn that good pain, as opposed to bad pain, is the body’s signal that circulation is improving and muscle cells are being recognized.

Tansitional movements from one pose to the next:


48 Equations

-2y + 14 = -x
-2y + x = -14
-2y = -14 – x
-2y = -x – 14
-7 – x/2 = -y
-7 + y = x/2
-7 = -y + x/2
-7 = x/2 – y
-14 – x = -2y
-14 + 2y = x
-14 = -2y + x
-14 = x – 2y

-x – 14 = -2y
-x + 2y = 14
-x = -2y + 14
-x = 14 – 2y
-x/2 – 7 = -y
-x/2 + y = 7
-x/2 = -y + 7
-x/2 = 7 – y
-y + 7 = -x/2
-y + x/2 = -7
-y = -7 -x/2
-y = -x/2 – 7

2y – 14 = x
2y – x = 14
2y = 14 + x
2y = x + 14
7 – y = -x/2
7 + x/2 = y
7 = -x/2 + y
7 = y – x/2
14 – 2y = -x
14 + x = 2y
14 = -x + 2y
14 = 2y – x

x – 2y = -14
x + 14 = 2y
x = -14 + 2y
x = 2y – 14
x/2 – y = -7
x/2 + 7 = y
x/2 = -7 + y
x/2 = y – 7
y – 7 = x/2
y – x/2 = 7
y = 7 + x/2
y = x/2 + 7

same equation sorted alphabetically (ANSI)

Line Graph of the Above Equation

14 Stone is 196 Pounds


Setting the Session

Q: We’ve zoomed in September & October – how has that helped you?
A: Helped understand geometry.

Q: I’m glad to help. Who else have you asked for help?
A: Math teacher. Honors students.

Q: Tell me about your teacher. Is he/she good at explaining things?
A: They’re about to go on maternity leave.

Q: What does your teacher look like?
A: Pregnant.

Q: Tell me about your math class. Is it sometimes interesting, or always boring?
A: 30 people, 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Many days just study hall.

Q: How are your friends doing in math? Who is the smartest?
A: Lori

Q: When was your last test? How did you do?
A: October. Fine. 70 out of 100. C-

Q: When is your next test? How will you prepare for it?
A: Friday. Do review today.

Sophomore Sketchpad



The Six Simple Files of ← ACTUAL GAME

Reflect on the spirit embodied by monks at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. Their daily work period is for 3 hours until 12:40 PM. Asked of one monk what he does when the bell rings but he feels that his work is undone, he replied, “You get over it.”

Four Hours by Oliver Burkeman\



Part way into the third DVD you can sense how intensely the Beatles have their feet to the fire. But, Paul pulls it together, so diplomatically:

The movie’s director, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, says, “Tomorrow, with the nine cameras, if we do tomorrow, there is a kind of, ‘Something will happen’.”

Paul replies, “No, it’s the best bit of us, always has been and always will be, is when we’ve got — when we’re backs against the wall and we’ve been rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing.”

Paul then glances over at John, “And he knows it’s a take on the dub. And he does it great.”

The Beatles: Get Back (2021)