Tag Archives: wing



Flight of Fancy

Flying machines epitomize the realization of a 3-D experience of the world.

Edel Space 27 over Pacifica – Photo by Leon

Piloting a paraglider around the turn of the millennium. That’s M with outstretched arms.

Now my wing is in the garage, ready for the museum. It’s still flight worthy, and it could still break my neck.


Did we awake from the stupor that can consume our lives — lost amidst bits & bytes, screens & feeds — and find ourselves, as G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “in a street full of splendid strangers?”

Did we allow the years to teach us their subtle lessons?

The idea is not that we will win in our own lifetimes and that’s the measure of us, but that we will die trying.”

Barbara Ehrenreich

Stopping puts some space in your long haul. Rest is a way of being. Pacing is recalibrated care. ~Pato Hebert

  • STOP
    • REST
      • PACE



Success is measured by the opposition you encounter, and the courage with which you maintain the struggle against overwhelming odds.


Eschew sidewalks and low hanging tree branches; walk in the middle of the street, and listen for the notes of traffic.



This art was also found in K’s backyard. (Who is the artist?)

Cross your eyes to overlap images and see 3-D.

Humanhood stands somewhat aghast before #soul; stands awe-inspired in fear and reverence, while it communicates with #conscience as being very near. It understands conscience who is soul’s agent or moral representative.

The Word by Beardsley