Tag Archives: wall



Reading Books by Roz Chast

Things form in my brain. They get bigger & bigger until I must write them down to free up some space in my head.

It’s the same way a chicken lays an egg. When people eat that egg, the chicken is probably thinking, Really? You like that? It just came out of my butt.

Mike Reiss in Springfield Confidential


The wheel was discovered around 5000 years ago.

During the age of wagons & chariots, it may have never occurred to anyone that putting two wheels in line with each other would be a practical thing.


But finally in 1817 the bicycle was invented, and that idea led to the motorcycle, and doing backflips:

What invention of the past could use a new twist today?


Santana Row by G.Garchar

Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all, cling onto your back, and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it devour your remains, for all things will kill you, both slowly & fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a lover.

Kinky Friedman



Too Cold & Wet
Behind Corner of Minnesota & Lincoln

Brain can not only ponder the very stars that gave it birth but can also think about its own ability to think and wonder about its own ability to wonder.

V.S. Ramachandran

Mind is seen as inhering in the structure of myth, institutions & cultures. Culture consists of the sharing of mythic patterns. Culture is then mind writ large which shapes us unawares unless we develop the understanding to shape culture.

Charles Hampden-Turner



Coastland & Curtner by Joe

Halloween Will Be Here Soon


Come on, sir. Here’s the place. Stand still. 

How fearful and dizzy ’tis to cast one’s eyes so low!

The crows and choughs that wing the midway air show scarce so gross as beetles.


Set me where you stand.

King Lear (Act 4, scene 6, by Shakespeare)



Center Beam
Los Gatos Creek Flowing to the Sea

Hard hats and wet boots make for safe work on a weekday morning.

One character announces, “We’ll probably have to work all night on this presentation.” Another character replies, “That’s brilliant! Use inefficiency to make procrastination look like martyrdom!”

Dilbert Cartoon