Regional Preserve

One hour drive freeway north, winding road south home.
Half of those who die in combat enter Valhalla, while the other half are chosen to reside in Fólkvangr.
Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.
Tree of life on Earth is in the forest of our Milky Way, one of many large forests in the Universe. Volumes of Fruit are ripening.”
Brain can not only ponder the very stars that gave it birth but can also think about its own ability to think and wonder about its own ability to wonder.
V.S. Ramachandran
Mind is seen as inhering in the structure of myth, institutions & cultures. Culture consists of the sharing of mythic patterns. Culture is then mind writ large which shapes us unawares unless we develop the understanding to shape culture.
Charles Hampden-Turner