The Tower

The wheel was discovered around 5000 years ago.
During the age of wagons & chariots, it may have never occurred to anyone that putting two wheels in line with each other would be a practical thing.
But finally in 1817 the bicycle was invented, and that idea led to the motorcycle, and doing backflips:
With 3 seconds left in the fourth quarter and his team down 16-17, Ravens (#9) kicker Justin Tucker swung his leg with as much power as he could and broke the record for the longest field goal in league history, a 66-yarder that bounced off the crossbar and into the net.
Here they sat at a social breakfast table–all of the same calling, all of kindred tastes–looking round as sheepishly at each other as though they had never been out of sight of some sheepfold among the Green Mountains.
Chapter 5: Breakfast – Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Coffee drinking in the morning is what makes getting up in the morning such a pleasure, makes life worth living. And coffee gets one moving, and you know: moving is good for you.
When I speak, my lips & tongue form the words that are on my mind. These ARE my thoughts, yet they are NOT my thoughts.
I’ll try to turn over a new leaf, a blank page, and start over.
Nothing unusual this morning – unlike last month when the shirtless urban wanderer, Kiltman, appeared here.
Or more recently when the bookstore featured a new cat.