Tag Archives: color



Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal.

As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.

This means that while their spirit can be directed to an eternal object, their bodies, passions, and imaginations are in continual change, for to be in time means to change.

Their nearest approach to constancy, therefore, is undulation – the repeated return to a level from which they repeatedly fall back, a series of troughs & peaks.

If you watch carefully, you will see this undulation in every department of his life – his interest in his work, his affection for his friends, his physical appetites, all go up & down.

As long as he lives on earth periods of emotional and bodily richness and liveliness will alternate with periods of numbness & poverty.

Fun is closely related to Joy – a sort of emotional froth arising from the play instinct; it promotes charity, courage, contentment, and many other evils.




Reading Books by Roz Chast

Things form in my brain. They get bigger & bigger until I must write them down to free up some space in my head.

It’s the same way a chicken lays an egg. When people eat that egg, the chicken is probably thinking, Really? You like that? It just came out of my butt.

Mike Reiss in Springfield Confidential



Covering the World

Rendering engines translate HTML data into text & images.

Advancements in technology aim to create more efficient, organized, and sustainable systems, pushing back against the natural tendency of systems to degrade over time.



Categorical Imperative

Mandelbrot Set

Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!

Imagine first that the present is past, and second, that the past may yet be changed & amended.

Logotherapy by Victor Frankl


Then, in the decades of the Twenty First Century, one after another ten-years burning down the road.

Life Support

  • Make a Difference
  • Energize with Passion
  • Focus on a Big Idea
  • Love the One you’re With
  • Keep Moving
  • Stay Alive


Would you like to buy one of these?

Me too!

They might be found on the discounted thrift shelf by now.

No matter how far we have veered from reverence for the miraculous fact that we exist in a universe that we don’t understand, until we stop getting to dawn, we get a chance to start over.

David Milch



Focus on situations with change potential:

  • High stakes – responsible for the outcome
  • Novelty – not drawn from the past
  • Challenge – done faster and/or better
  • Interaction – work with people

This approach requires serious commitment. Development requires time. The secret is to invest a few moments every day to maximize learning.”

Development First by David Peterson & Mary Dee Hicks