Tag Archives: chart



Thomas DolbyShe Blinded Me With Science (YouTube )

A pretty name as one would wish to read, must perch harmonious on my tuneful quill.

There’s music in the sighing of a reed; there’s music in the gushing of a rill; there’s music in all things, if men had ears: their Earth is but an echo of the spheres.

Don Juan by Lord Byron



Chivalry by Neil Baiman & Colleen Doran

Man must part company with the inferior & superficial. The important thing is to remain firm.

Accomplish one’s task – Courage, no matter what happens.

The I Ching or Book of Changes

Ben Klinefelter (American, b. 1955)


Dihydrogen Oxide

Triple Point

The triple point of pure water is at the temperature just above freezing (0.01° C) and at the pressure (0.006 atm) at which it can exist in equilibrium in all three states: liquid, solid, and gaseous.

Yes, water can freeze & boil at the same time!

The triple point is used to calibrate thermometers.



2×2 Matrix

In a simple tit-for-tat strategy, one begins by cooperating and then mimics the other player’s moves. Tit-for-tat is nice in that it is willing to cooperate and it does not bear a grudge. It also cannot be exploited because any defection from cooperation will be returned.

By Robert Schenk @ ingrimayne.com Re: TitForTat

See also truth bias


“You are old, Father William,” the young man said, “and your hair has become very white; and yet you incessantly stand on your head – do you think, at your age, it is right?”

In my youth,” Father William replied to his son, “I feared it might injure the brain; but now that I’m perfectly sure I have none, why, I do it again and again.”

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865)


Map of the Universe According to Tycho Brahe’s System

Copperplate engraving on paper, hand colored from the Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica (Amsterdam, 1660)

How do you feel about it all?