Tag Archives: cat



Make Planning a Habit

Every day at 1:15 pm, write down three tasks even if you don’t plan to do them right away. Notice the pattern.

Journal Entry (3/3/23): One whole week with Covid-19, which up until now, had been avoided. (Grateful for Paxlovid, and many thanks to modern medicine in general, but the blame falls on humanity.)



reality <—> imagination

There are more things likely to frighten us than there are to crush us. We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.


Feedback mechanisms as anticipatory anxiety trigger symptoms which in turn, reinforce the phobia. Paradoxical intention consists of a reversal of attitude. Fear is replaced by a paradoxical wish to experience the anxiety fully, and the wind is taken out of the sails. ~Logotherapy by Victor Frankl

from 3 years ago



Anatoly Karpov vs Viktor Korchnoi (1974)
Yugoslav Attack vs Sicilian Dragon Defense

Chess skills are most helpful when you are playing chess. However, when you climb & jump on rocks, your entire brain & body are put to work.

The board & pieces are all the material, but the METAGAME dynamic is certainly a factor in competition. The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig is about losing the battle to a weaker player who uses a novel psychology.

Feline Inscrutability vs Dogged Tenacity.
Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company

That’s me at the board, on the right, maybe 20 years ago.



Forge your own path, trust in the magic of individuality.

Though the methods vary, the mission is the same: to realize that we are all of us temporary & fragile beings.

Shot here from who knows where, bound for who can tell, we can love ourselves and each other while we’re here.

Elizabeth Berg



Dreams reveal the world.

We wake while often the narrative is difficult to recall.

Events of the waking world, on the other hand, are forced. It falls to us to weigh & sort & order these events.

We assemble them into the story which is us.

Cities of the Plain by Cormac McCarthy