Tag Archives: b&w


Steve Jobs ability to foresee how the iPod could revolutionize the industry was largely driven by his early life experiences with the initial transportable music source that did so, the transistor radio.

DECINZO – September 12-18, 2007 METRO SILICON VALLEY

By traditional measures, the success of the iPod was one of the most unpredictable in retail product history.”

Three Moves Ahead – Bob Rice

Imagine your dream position, then work backwards.

BTW, just happened to come across a similar cartoon illustrating a mass of white men adorating an icon. Shows there’s a choice of who/what to worship.

God forgive ’em



How can a *straight* line, extending itself out to reach itself, form a circle of infinite diameter? Explain.

How can a *spherical* object represent the universe? Expand the metaphor.


Inner Coast Range

Sunol Regional Wilderness

Flag Hill at Sunol Wilderness is a slab of ancient sea floor which, in response to pressure from below, was tilted up more on one side than the other, revealing a cross-section of its sedimentary layers.

The hill shows a vegetation pattern typical of the inner coast ranges. During summer, the hot sun dries the south-facing slope. Only grassland and soft chaparral can survive under these conditions. On the north-facing slope where moisture lasts longer, trees thrive.

Sunol is one of the most beautiful parks in the Bay Area.


Round & Round

What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness.

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910)

It is easier to be gigantic than to be beautiful.

Nietsche (1844 – 1900)

Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal.

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910)