The facts: in the USA, crocodiles are at the southern tip of Florida. Any other type of crocodilian in any other state is certainly an alligator.
Not darkness, for that implies an understanding of light. Not silence, for that suggests a familiarity with sound. Not loneliness, for that requires knowledge of others. But still, faintly, so tenuous that if it were any less it wouldn’t exist at all: awareness.
WWW:WAKE by Robert Sawyer
Human thought is still best described by metaphor, poetry, & other literary devices to express what we do not fully understand. Experience is a matter of sensibility & intuition, of seeing & hearing the significant things, of paying attention at the right moments.
Garry Kasparov
Affirmation mode requires saying something positive, whereas an affirmation format produces a positive affirmation no matter what you put in the blanks.
Fill in the blanks with a negative expression:
I love everything about ______________________.
e.g., I love everything about “waiting for answers”.
Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do.
Srategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.
A Frequently Changed Strategy Is the same as No Strategy
Nothing unusual this morning – unlike last month when the shirtless urban wanderer, Kiltman, appeared here.
Or more recently when the bookstore featured a new cat.