Tag Archives: birds



High above the flying scud and dark-rolling clouds, there floated a little isle of sunlight, from which beamed forth an angel’s face; and this bright face shed a distinct spot of radiance upon the ship’s tossed deck.

“Ah, noble ship,” the angel seemed to say, “beat on, beat on, thou noble ship, and bear a hardy helm; for lo! the sun is breaking through; the clouds are rolling off – serenest azure is at hand.”

Moby Dick by Herman Melville



Found this black & white treasure hanging on the fence in K’s driveway after our hike through the suburbs of San Jose to Dawson Loop. Click on the image to see M’s colorization.

Click for Color (thank you M!)

Here’s a black & white line drawing for contrast:

Splash! – Designed and Printed with PostScript Code (1992)