

Airport in the Woods

Tells a lot about wind direction.

per·am·bu·late (verb)

  1. formal • humorous – travel through or around a place in a leisurely way. “With great pleasure she perambulated the square.”
  2. historical • British – walk around (a parish, forest, etc) in order to officially assert and record its boundaries.



Playing with Humor: When sobering events threaten to put you into a dour mood, don’t let your guard down; try to be funny (TF).

The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.

Mark Weiser


When asked how to pronounce her name, she replied “ya nuk”.

My comments are in the post; click the title to see the post.


Spinning to Sagittarius (click image; animated gif) – Jeff G. Wise – Sculpture Site


From the Event Horizon Telescope

Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, was identified nearly 50 years ago and is among the most studied astrophysical objects.

The results released this month are the culmination of a multi-year effort and a decades-long journey by the astronomy community to approach the event horizon through high-resolution imaging, gaining new insights into accretion, outflow, and gravitational physics on scales not accessible through any other observation.


gravity, light, consciousness – the three primitives”

Something M read in an old New Yorker