

You and I have memories
Longer than the road
That stretches out ahead”

Two of Us by The Beatles, Let It Be (1970)

385 million years from now the world will be vastly different again as well, while the universe, during the same time period, will have changed insignificantly (in comparison to its totality, of course).

The point is: you don’t have to move all that far from where you are now to experience expanded consciousness. Merely step outside. Go to the beach if possible.



Part way into the third DVD you can sense how intensely the Beatles have their feet to the fire. But, Paul pulls it together, so diplomatically:

The movie’s director, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, says, “Tomorrow, with the nine cameras, if we do tomorrow, there is a kind of, ‘Something will happen’.”

Paul replies, “No, it’s the best bit of us, always has been and always will be, is when we’ve got — when we’re backs against the wall and we’ve been rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing.”

Paul then glances over at John, “And he knows it’s a take on the dub. And he does it great.”

The Beatles: Get Back (2021)