

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times (Jan 2017)

Judy Woodruff: There are a lot of Democrats who are changing their registration.

Tamara Keith: There are not enough Democrats in Wyoming to help her win. That said, she has the Cheney name and is unlikely to disappear from the political scene, certainly.

Amy Walter: And a lot of Democrats nationally are writing checks to her. She has a very big bank account right now. She’s not going to spend it all down even in this primary. You can’t spend that much money in Wyoming.

Voters are pissimistic about the economy and think that Biden and Democrats aren’t doing a good job and believe Republicans would do better. That’s what you make the campaign about.

The more the campaign is about Donald Trump, January 6, abortion, the better it is for Democrats. It becomes really a choice election, instead of a referendum.

And even if it is a referendum between Biden and Trump, that’s probably pretty good for Democrats, not very good for Republicans.

PBS Newshour


Inyo National Forest

Resting at the Pass to Papoose Flat – 9/16/2016
I finally made it on motorcycle (but almost didn’t escape)

more to be here posted soon – Desert Adventure as a Slide Show

Eastern Sierra in the far distance. Back in 2007, M & I hiked all day in the scorching heat trying to reach Papoose Flat, where those little sharp peaks are in the distance (left of center). Had to turn around because the sun was beginning to set. Made it back to the car just in time before our water ran out.



Jonny Wan
The Palace

When confronting an obstacle, there’s no reason to run. Start with a better world at the center, overcome the inevitable barriers, then expand to encompass more territory. Impediments need not hinder growth.



879 Dell Ave

He accepted another pint and took a pull at it. “Of course, I had my own personal alchemist too.”

“You what?”

He was getting silly and he knew it. Exuberance and Hall and Woodhouse best bitter was a mixture to be wary of, but one of the first effects it had is to stop you being wary of things, and the point at which Arthur should have stopped and explained no more was the point at which he started instead to get inventive.

“Oh yes,” he insisted with a happy glazed smile. “It’s why I’ve lost so much weight.”

“What?” said his audience.

“Oh yes,” he said again. “The Californians have rediscovered alchemy. Oh yes.”

He smiled again.

Chapter 9SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH by Douglas Adams (1999)

How do people suppress things? Generally, alcohol suppresses fear, nicotine suppresses anger and frustration, marijuana suppresses sadness, and caffeine suppresses the long-lasting, energy-sapping results of other forms of suppression.

Rebirthing by Leonard & Laut (1983)