A photograph can show a physical image in which time is static, and a mirror can show a physical image in which time is dynamic.
What he saw on the mountain was another kind of image altogether which was not physical and did not exist in time at all. It was an image nevertheless, and that is why he felt recognition.
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig
Oliver Burkeman provides an important and insightful reassessment of productivity. The drive to get more done can become an excuse to avoid figuring out what we actually want to accomplish. By confronting this question, we unlock a more meaningful approach to organizing our time.
Seven older gentlemen of various political persuasions gather in the courtyard under the squawking birds to politely discuss and examine, in regulated heartbeat, the current issues and events of the week.
They also like to talk about their high-school classmates, both living & dead, unknown to others outside of Los Gatos. It’s an exclusive club.
Had a great test ride today. Harley-DavidsonLiveWire has a very strong, broad powerband and handles quite well as a quiet (and sweet smelling) street bike.
Expected sunny weather but instead got drenched by a cloudburst when approaching the foothills around the valley, so I stuck with the streets around town and put off riding the winding back roads. Still, lots of fun.
I am thoroughly invested in electrifying California with focus on electric motorcycles. LiveWire is #1 in the lineup of futuristic transportation vehicles.
Just think of the many issues needing resolution before the year 2034, including fortifying the energy grid and making electric recharging more convenient. It’s an exciting challenge.