What planet is this?
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The triple point of pure water is at the temperature just above freezing (0.01° C) and at the pressure (0.006 atm) at which it can exist in equilibrium in all three states: liquid, solid, and gaseous.
Yes, water can freeze & boil at the same time!
The triple point is used to calibrate thermometers.
Frog and Toad are individual characters with different points-of-view and reactions to situations. While Frog tends to be more open, friendly, and relaxed, Toad can be more serious and uptight.
Dreams reveal the world.
We wake while often the narrative is difficult to recall.
Events of the waking world, on the other hand, are forced. It falls to us to weigh & sort & order these events.
We assemble them into the story which is us.
Cities of the Plain by Cormac McCarthy
In the West proper there are no limits. The world goes on indefinitely. The horizon is not seen as the end of a scene. It carries you on beyond itself into farther and farther spaces.
LEWIS & CLARK AT EAGLE CREEK by Thomas Hart Benton (1968)
“It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born. Any object, intensely regarded, may be a gate of access to the incorruptible eon of the gods.”
Chapter 14: Oxen of Sun – Ulysses by James Joyce