

Muscle Groups

For human beings, motion is life. Our bodies are made to move. By exercising modestly on a regular basis, we can change the rate of our aging on a biochemical level. Regular exercise also improves mood, boosts energy levels, and builds self-confidence.

Art & Science of Aging Well by Mark E. Williams, M.D.


Inner Coast Range

Sunol Regional Wilderness

Flag Hill at Sunol Wilderness is a slab of ancient sea floor which, in response to pressure from below, was tilted up more on one side than the other, revealing a cross-section of its sedimentary layers.

The hill shows a vegetation pattern typical of the inner coast ranges. During summer, the hot sun dries the south-facing slope. Only grassland and soft chaparral can survive under these conditions. On the north-facing slope where moisture lasts longer, trees thrive.

Sunol is one of the most beautiful parks in the Bay Area.



The Cocktail Party (1956) by John Koch

Individual personality is shaped by the nature of relationships with others, beginning at birth, throughout life, but also those relationships that are remembered from times past, imagined during waking hours, fantasied in dreams at night, and even fabricated in hallucinations.

Harry Sullivan


Round & Round

What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness.

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910)

It is easier to be gigantic than to be beautiful.

Nietsche (1844 – 1900)

Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal.

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910)


Far Future

Doomed to do it again & again, no choice but to play a Phoenix in an unending sequence of rise & fall.

Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Carthage, Rome: ground to dust; plowed with salt.

Spain, France, Britain, America – burned into the oblivion of centuries.

A Canticle For Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr. (1959)


Franquette St

Repaving commences today!

Start your day at 4:00 AM. You’re up any way, why do you to need to stay in bed? Sit up and meditate. Say the word “thought” over an over again trying to visualize what it looks like. If that makes you sleepy, go back to bed.


Cosmic Influence

Jay Anderson (JAN 2024) of Project Unity

You will see change taking place no matter where you look.

Think of it as a mind expanding message from the stars, maybe not the work of human beings.

Note: On the X platform you can change the playback speed from one quarter to twice as fast.