Category Archives: Woodland



Found this black & white treasure hanging on the fence in K’s driveway after our hike through the suburbs of San Jose to Dawson Loop. Click on the image to see M’s colorization.

Click for Color (thank you M!)

Here’s a black & white line drawing for contrast:

Splash! – Designed and Printed with PostScript Code (1992)



Little Garden

Revolution is not a dinner party, not an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly, or modestly.

Mao Tse-tung


Tree Trunk

Don’t strut too tall!

Update April 28, 2023: The real tragedy is having had to make a decision in the first place.

Update April 28, 2024: The ultimate tragedy is having made the wrong decision through limited thinking: selfishness. Regret.


Troubled Bridge

Update April 26, 2023: still waiting for results of yesterday’s MRI. It only says:


MRN: 110011593779
This document contains confidential information about your health and care at Kaiser Permanente.

Visit Information

Appointment Information

And the doctor says: I just checked again and the MRI still has not been read. I will continue to keep an eye for it.


UPDATE 2024: Beliefs: 1. Women have a choice 2. No doubt there is a Highest power 3. Science seeks the Truth 4. Sex, like art, is what you make it 5. All good people are welcome to be a great country, yet scoundrels slide. But it’s best to have a bias toward goodness unless proven otherwise. #goodness

UPDATE 2023: While the snail & snake proved to be problematic, and the mollusk impossible, at least I think I’m over Covid-19. Got one new YOGA pose out of all the suffering. It’s called Sleeping Bear; good body position for taking the next breath.

Yes, the door has been past through earlier. – It’s a different world with M’s mother gone on to the next. This date from last year seems so frivolous in comparison.

2022: What is on his mind?



When Lucy woke, the room was already light. The curtains were not drawn and the pane of the open casement reflected a gleam of sun which she could lose and find by moving her head on the pillow.

A wood pigeon was calling in the elms. But it was some other sound, she knew, that had woken her — a sharp sound, a part of the dream which had drained away, as she woke, like water out of a washbasin. Perhaps the dog had barked.

But now everything was quiet and there was only the flash of sun from the windowpane and the sound of the wood pigeon, like the first strokes of a paint brush on a big sheet of paper when you were still not sure how the picture was going to go.

The morning was fine. Would there be any mushrooms yet? Was it worth getting up now and going down the field to see? It was still too dry and hot — not good mushroom weather. The mushrooms were like the blackberries — both wanted a drop of rain before they’d be any good.

Soon there’d be damp mornings …

WATERSHIP DOWN (1972) by Richard George Adams