Category Archives: Woodland



When Lucy woke, the room was already light. The curtains were not drawn and the pane of the open casement reflected a gleam of sun which she could lose and find by moving her head on the pillow.

A wood pigeon was calling in the elms. But it was some other sound, she knew, that had woken her — a sharp sound, a part of the dream which had drained away, as she woke, like water out of a washbasin. Perhaps the dog had barked.

But now everything was quiet and there was only the flash of sun from the windowpane and the sound of the wood pigeon, like the first strokes of a paint brush on a big sheet of paper when you were still not sure how the picture was going to go.

The morning was fine. Would there be any mushrooms yet? Was it worth getting up now and going down the field to see? It was still too dry and hot — not good mushroom weather. The mushrooms were like the blackberries — both wanted a drop of rain before they’d be any good.

Soon there’d be damp mornings …

WATERSHIP DOWN (1972) by Richard George Adams



Facial Features Somewhere over Alaska

Candide, amazed at all he had suffered and still more with the charity of the old woman, wished to kiss her hand.


Peak Effort

Flag Hill – Sunol Regional Wilderness
  1. Question every requirement; have the name of the person who made it.
  2. Delete any part or process you can do without. Restore 10% back later if necessary.
  3. Simplify & optimize the remaining parts/processes.
  4. Accelerate the cycle time.
  5. Automate only after doing all the above, and the bugs have been shaken out.

Elon Musk’s Business Development Algorithm (unquestioned by Simpletons)


Almaden Quicksilver

Guadalupe Landfill, Dumptruck on the Horizon

When I’m lost at sea, I hear your voice, and it carries me.

Heaven Is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle


Under the Weather

Imagine the horror with which darkness, rain, and wind, fill persons who have lost their way in the night; and who, consequently, have not the pleasant prospect of warm fires, dry cloaths, and other refreshments, to support their minds in struggling with the inclemencies of the weather.

Tom Jones by Henry Fielding



from the top of the tree around the corner

More than iron, more than lead, more than gold I need electricity. I need it more than I need lamb or pork or lettuce or cucumber. I need it for my dreams.

The Policeman’s Beard by Racter, the first book ever written by a computer (1984)