Category Archives: Urban



Artwork Inside Philz Coffee
Artwork Outside Philz Coffee

Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup and looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat. Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, and somebody spoke and I went into a dream.

A Day in the Life by The Beatles



Bicycle Route to Santana Row

Ride we had planned to take last year.

My biking buddy and I were stretching the concept of aging. We were trusting our instincts to keep us out of cars’ way, and pushing forward in terms of distance, testing our survival chances one way & another.

Google Map

Assume the Best; Prepare for Worst

“To a biker the sensation is real and pure and akin to something spiritual: you seek, and on the road you find.”

Caroline Knapp



Community Center, Campbell
Half-mile South – Along the Los Gatos Creek Trail

Walk a fine line between flexibility & consistency. A strategist must have faith in his strategy and the courage to follow it through and still be open-minded enough to realize when a change of course is required.

Garry Kasparov