Category Archives: Oceanic



Donkeys on Shore

Descendant of the wild ass, the donkey is a domestic member of the horse family used for hauling goods since 4000 BC.

Donkeys are also related to zebras, although they’re often stockier, stronger and have much different personalities.

Female donkeys are called “jennies” or “jennets,” and a female ready to breed is known as a “broodmare.”

Ass is interchangeable with donkey, and “jackass” refers specifically to a male donkey. But a jackass is not a mule, and all burros are not jackasses.


Finally, got our Wish!

We’re going,” he said excitedly, and shivered with energy.

“Where? How?” said Arthur.

“I don’t know,” said Ford, “but I just feel that the time is right.
Things are going to happen. We’re on our way.”

He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I have detected,” he said, “disturbances in the wash.”

LIFE, THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING, Chapter 2 – by Douglas Adams

Modern Color Wheel



Out of the Deeps by John Wyndham
(1st published 1953 England as The Kraken Wakes)

In this novel forty-one million Englishmen die, but it is only suggested through the hardships of one couple.”

Richard H. Tyre – emphasising that effective writing involves understatement.

Men will gain infinitely more knowledge, insight, and eventually more products, from mastering the depths of the sea than from spending billions more trying to achieve conquest of sterile space.”

Jacques Yves Cousteau [all wet]

Haunting the seas from Norway through Iceland and all the way to Greenland, the Kraken would attack vessels with its strong arms, and having a taste for human flesh would devour the ship’s entire crew at once.

Release The Kraken!



Center Beam
Los Gatos Creek Flowing to the Sea

Hard hats and wet boots make for safe work on a weekday morning.

One character announces, “We’ll probably have to work all night on this presentation.” Another character replies, “That’s brilliant! Use inefficiency to make procrastination look like martyrdom!”

Dilbert Cartoon



You and I have memories
Longer than the road
That stretches out ahead”

Two of Us by The Beatles, Let It Be (1970)

385 million years from now the world will be vastly different again as well, while the universe, during the same time period, will have changed insignificantly (in comparison to its totality, of course).

The point is: you don’t have to move all that far from where you are now to experience expanded consciousness. Merely step outside. Go to the beach if possible.



July 29, 2019 at 1:15 PM

THAT for six thousand years

—and no one knows how many millions of ages before

—the great whales should have been spouting all over the sea, and sprinkling and mistifying the gardens of the deep, as with so many sprinkling or mistifying pots; and that for some centuries back, thousands of hunters should have been close by the fountain of the whale, watching these sprinklings and spoutings

—that all this should be, and yet, that down to this blessed minute (fifteen and a quarter minutes past one o’clock P.M. of this sixteenth day of December, A.D. 1851), it should still remain a problem, whether these spoutings are, after all, really water, or nothing but vapour

—this is surely a noteworthy thing.

Moby Dick; or, The Whale (Chap. 85: The Fountain) by Herman Melville