Category Archives: Comic


not well today – boo who…

Wallace The Brave

There was an indescribably hideous monster standing quietly behind him. Arthur yawed wildly as his skin tried to jump one way and his skeleton the other, whilst his brain tried to work out which of his ears it most wanted to crawl out of.

“Bet you weren’t expecting to see me again,” said the monster.

Life, the Universe, and Everything by Douglas Adams


Steve Jobs ability to foresee how the iPod could revolutionize the industry was largely driven by his early life experiences with the initial transportable music source that did so, the transistor radio.

DECINZO – September 12-18, 2007 METRO SILICON VALLEY

By traditional measures, the success of the iPod was one of the most unpredictable in retail product history.”

Three Moves Ahead – Bob Rice

Imagine your dream position, then work backwards.

BTW, just happened to come across a similar cartoon illustrating a mass of white men adorating an icon. Shows there’s a choice of who/what to worship.

God forgive ’em


Then, in the decades of the Twenty First Century, one after another ten-years burning down the road.

Life Support

  • Make a Difference
  • Energize with Passion
  • Focus on a Big Idea
  • Love the One you’re With
  • Keep Moving
  • Stay Alive



It has always been the individual who calls the group to a larger vision, who insists on compassion and fair play. When the goal of the group ceases to be the individual, that group goes into decline.”

The Sun Magazine

Time is the essence, time is the season, time ain’t no reason, got no time to slow. Burn out the day, burn out the night, I can’t see no reason to put up a fight. I’m livin’ for givin’ the devil his due.”

Blue Öyster Cult



Anatoly Karpov vs Viktor Korchnoi (1974)
Yugoslav Attack vs Sicilian Dragon Defense

Chess skills are most helpful when you are playing chess. However, when you climb & jump on rocks, your entire brain & body are put to work.

The board & pieces are all the material, but the METAGAME dynamic is certainly a factor in competition. The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig is about losing the battle to a weaker player who uses a novel psychology.

Feline Inscrutability vs Dogged Tenacity.
Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company

That’s me at the board, on the right, maybe 20 years ago.