Category Archives: Clothing



Baked • Slaked • Shaken

Feeling tired? Run down? Worn out by a facial and shampoo? Consider yourself better off than the model at center (above), who seems to have dreamed she was an astronaut in a vibro-massage bra. She will presumably arise like some assembly-line Aphrodite, renewed in spirit if mildly mortified in the flesh.

This menacing array of instruments for self-enhancement was put together to show the variety of space-age beauty equipment now available, but it almost seems better calculated to prove the French maxim: il faut souffrir pour etre belle.

  • Vapor & Heating Machine
  • Ozone Vapor Spray
  • Hood & Comb Dryer
  • Belt Stimulator
  • Spot Reducer
  • 2 Hand Rollers
  • 3 Kinds Of Sun Lamp
  • 6 Massage Machines
  • Massage Couch
  • High-Frequency Massage Comb

Sending satellites to Venus, or aspiring to Venus-like charm, one is getting to be as complicated as the other. Over this photograph the London magazine Queen put the simple heading “All Systems Go!”

As they say, you must suffer to be beautiful.



Too Much Coffee Man

My favorite cure for boredom is sleep. It’s very easy to get to sleep when bored and very hard to get bored after a long rest.

My next favorite is coffee. I usually keep a pot plugged in while working on the machine.

If these don’t work it may mean deeper Quality problems are bothering you and distracting you from what’s before you. The boredom is a signal that you should turn your attention to these problems.

Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) by Robert Pirsig