Category Archives: Artist



Rosanna Rossi

La República de California was an unrecognized breakaway state from Mexico, that for 25 days in 1846 militarily controlled an area north of San Francisco.

Mexican officials had been concerned about a coming war with the United States and the growing influx of Americans into California. The rebellion was covertly encouraged by US Army Captain John Frémont.

California Republic” appeared only on the flag the insurgents raised in Sonoma. It indicated their aspiration of forming a republican government under their control.

The Bear Flag Revolt and whatever remained of the “California Republic” ceased to exist on July 9 when US Navy Lieutenant Joseph Revere raised the United States flag in front of the Sonoma Barracks and sent a second flag to be raised at Sutter’s Fort.

Kalindi says, “Get out by 2010.” (cd found in my junk drawer)



Out of the Deeps by John Wyndham
(1st published 1953 England as The Kraken Wakes)

In this novel forty-one million Englishmen die, but it is only suggested through the hardships of one couple.”

Richard H. Tyre – emphasising that effective writing involves understatement.

Men will gain infinitely more knowledge, insight, and eventually more products, from mastering the depths of the sea than from spending billions more trying to achieve conquest of sterile space.”

Jacques Yves Cousteau [all wet]

Haunting the seas from Norway through Iceland and all the way to Greenland, the Kraken would attack vessels with its strong arms, and having a taste for human flesh would devour the ship’s entire crew at once.

Release The Kraken!



Coastland & Curtner by Joe

Halloween Will Be Here Soon


Come on, sir. Here’s the place. Stand still. 

How fearful and dizzy ’tis to cast one’s eyes so low!

The crows and choughs that wing the midway air show scarce so gross as beetles.


Set me where you stand.

King Lear (Act 4, scene 6, by Shakespeare)



This art was also found in K’s backyard. (Who is the artist?)

Cross your eyes to overlap images and see 3-D.

Humanhood stands somewhat aghast before #soul; stands awe-inspired in fear and reverence, while it communicates with #conscience as being very near. It understands conscience who is soul’s agent or moral representative.

The Word by Beardsley



Dial from Vintage Radio Police Scanner (found in K’s backyard)
Work of Art by M

Not darkness, for that implies an understanding of light. Not silence, for that suggests a familiarity with sound. Not loneliness, for that requires knowledge of others. But still, faintly, so tenuous that if it were any less it wouldn’t exist at all: awareness.

WWW:WAKE by Robert Sawyer



(Thanks Barb!)

On this night in 1846,following the marvellous calculations of Le Verrier of Paris and Adams of Cambridge concerning the celestial phenomenon known as the perturbations of Uranus, Herr Gaulle of Berlin discovered the existence of a new planet, one of the greatest triumps of theoretical astronomy. The planet was named Neptune

Book of Days by Elizabeth & Gerald Donaldson
Front Cover of Book of Days