Category Archives: Artist


People at the same place in different minutes. How crowded it would look if the photos captured entire days, or weeks!

Neurolinguistic Programming Tool: Picture the worst of a situation up close and all encompassing. In the distant background visualize the best possibility and make it grow in size and come closer until it replaces the worst image.

Neurolinguistic Programming



Not only a matter of having time to get things done, it’s also a matter of having the energy.

More closely your schedule of rest & activity corresponds to your natural peaks & valleys throughout the day, the more productive your many efforts will be.

Karl Benjamin (1957)


Fort Myers

Caloosahatchian Yearbook 1936 – Bud Baker

Forward – If, in this annual, the staff of ’36 can help to cast a backward glance over many pleasant, carefree hours spent in M.H.S. and cause us to live again those happy days of youth, we have reached our goal.

Fort Myers High School



And a youth said, Speak to us of Friendship. And he answered, saying: Your friend is your needs answered.

The Prophet – Kahlil Gibran (1923)

The moon is a constant companion. It’s always there, sometimes shining brightly, sometimes obscured by clouds, but it’s a reassuring presence in the night sky.

Like a friend, the moon is ever-present yet often silent, offering its gentle light and gravitational pull to Earth and all who gaze upon it.