Author Archives: Gary

About Gary

I write and maintain code for various websites as both a professional and a hobbyist developer, and have used computer technology for most of my life.


Missing Matter

Webb Telescope Alignment Evaluation Image

There are depths in man that go the length of lowest Hell, as there are heights that reach highest Heaven – for are not both Heaven and Hell made out of him, made by him, everlasting Miracle and Mystery as he is?

Thomas Carlyle


What society thinks of as reality today is the hypnosis of social conditioning, an induced fiction in which we are all collectively participating. It is the melodrama of existence, filled with obsessions & pursuits, wherein our only fate is to be born and grow old.

Deepak Chopra



Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal.

As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.

This means that while their spirit can be directed to an eternal object, their bodies, passions, and imaginations are in continual change, for to be in time means to change.

Their nearest approach to constancy, therefore, is undulation – the repeated return to a level from which they repeatedly fall back, a series of troughs & peaks.

If you watch carefully, you will see this undulation in every department of his life – his interest in his work, his affection for his friends, his physical appetites, all go up & down.

As long as he lives on earth periods of emotional and bodily richness and liveliness will alternate with periods of numbness & poverty.

Fun is closely related to Joy – a sort of emotional froth arising from the play instinct; it promotes charity, courage, contentment, and many other evils.




Daylight Savings

Change the clock twice a year, or else some places will need to adjust their operating hours.

Crank an Hour

Going back to permanent Standard Hours has been tried before, and failed after two years.

What is the issue about the light & night that we keep forgetting?