UPDATE 2024: Beliefs: 1. Women have a choice 2. No doubt there is a Highest power 3. Science seeks the Truth 4. Sex, like art, is what you make it 5. All good people are welcome to be a great country, yet scoundrels slide. But it’s best to have a bias toward goodness unless proven otherwise. #goodness
UPDATE 2023: While the snail & snake proved to be problematic, and the mollusk impossible, at least I think I’m over Covid-19. Got one new YOGA pose out of all the suffering. It’s called Sleeping Bear; good body position for taking the next breath.
Yes, the door has been past through earlier. – It’s a different world with M’s mother gone on to the next. This date from last year seems so frivolous in comparison.
2022: What is on his mind?
Welcome back! And it’s good that Covid is in your rearview mirror!
Now & then, I still flash back to when I felt it in my throat and got an ominous chill, that I was doomed.
You paid Covid a heavier price than most people! Except for the ones who died, I guess. /-: