
Peak Effort

Flag Hill – Sunol Regional Wilderness
  1. Question every requirement; have the name of the person who made it.
  2. Delete any part or process you can do without. Restore 10% back later if necessary.
  3. Simplify & optimize the remaining parts/processes.
  4. Accelerate the cycle time.
  5. Automate only after doing all the above, and the bugs have been shaken out.

Elon Musk’s Business Development Algorithm (unquestioned by Simpletons)

One thought on “01-Top!

  1. Barbara

    I learned from a week-long class in quality assurance that the largest inefficiency in software development is in unclear requirements. Dr Gaussman said that it takes 100 times more manpower to find and fix a bug than to prevent it in the first place by rigorously analyzing requirements. Yet from my experience, there were so much pressure to hurry through the requirements phase.


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