
Baobab fruit dries naturally on its branch instead of dropping and spoiling, it stays on the branch and transforms into a hard coconut-like shell. The pulp of the fruit dries out completely producing a delicious pure fruit powder.

If the opinion that men might live very comfortably on virtue only, be a notorious error; no less false is that position of some writers of romance, that a man can live altogether on love; for however delicious repasts this may afford to some of our senses or appetites, it is most certain it can afford none to others.
Those, therefore, who have placed too great a confidence in such writers, have experienced their error when it was too late; and have found that love was no more capable of allaying hunger, than a rose is capable of delighting the ear, or a violin of gratifying the smell.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749) by Henry Fielding
What a beautiful, strange tree, the baobab tree.