Or… maybe we all return in our time. The Big Question: return to what? My current hunch: we return to The Source, to The One Consciousness, The Eternal. Whatever we want to call it.
No pain; but utter misery. It’s not going to get better. Call me a realist. (Excuse me if all I can think about is myself; it’s begging for attention. But, not from others. So embarrassing.)
Your honesty about your struggle takes courage. I admire how you own your vulnerability. And I sure wish you weren’t having to go through this tough chapter!
“Although men have a common destiny, each individual also has to work out his own personal salvation for himself in fear and trembling.” – Thomas Merton
I’m looking at these posts and only just realized that all are from last year. The existential terror can strike at any moment but can be counterbalanced with a deep breath and a thank you to the Mystery for what we do have. As you said, the live and support of family and friends.
Now I live & die with the fact there is no return.
Or… maybe we all return in our time. The Big Question: return to what? My current hunch: we return to The Source, to The One Consciousness, The Eternal. Whatever we want to call it.
Nothing & Everything – obliteration or awareness – maybe we’re not supposed to know in advance.
No pain; but utter misery. It’s not going to get better. Call me a realist. (Excuse me if all I can think about is myself; it’s begging for attention. But, not from others. So embarrassing.)
Your honesty about your struggle takes courage. I admire how you own your vulnerability. And I sure wish you weren’t having to go through this tough chapter!
How to be upbeat: remind myself that I’m home now, not in the dammed hospital; and love surrounds me, from people I love.
“Although men have a common destiny, each individual also has to work out his own personal salvation for himself in fear and trembling.” – Thomas Merton
I’m looking at these posts and only just realized that all are from last year. The existential terror can strike at any moment but can be counterbalanced with a deep breath and a thank you to the Mystery for what we do have. As you said, the live and support of family and friends.
The love and support ♀️
Well put! And with the assistance from Mother Earth and the timely guidance from brother Moon, we should always look on the sunny side. No excuses.