

Airport in the Woods

Tells a lot about wind direction.

per·am·bu·late (verb)

  1. formal • humorous – travel through or around a place in a leisurely way. “With great pleasure she perambulated the square.”
  2. historical • British – walk around (a parish, forest, etc) in order to officially assert and record its boundaries.

8 thoughts on “29-Vane

  1. Gary Post author

    Up early after a good 6 hours; a new drug or just exhaustion after not sleeping several nights in a row. Even made a cup of joe to sit with Mr B on back porch and watch two stray cats perambulate the pavers before sunrise.

  2. Gary Post author

    I’ve already accomplished two internet programing tasks but my interface proves to be problematic. Think I’ll lie down.

  3. Gary Post author

    Using both hands on the keyboard does make it considerably faster. Hunt-and-peck seemed to be the speed resigned to until my hands woke.


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